The correct dosage of the oil cannot be precisely indicated in advance, as each person and condition is different. Build up the intake slowly and, above all, listen to (your body’s) reaction. Preferably spread the intake of the drops over the day (2 – 4 times daily).
A 10 ml bottle of CBD oil contains over 200 (average 250) drops. A 30 ml CBD bottle contains over 700 drops. Intake is very easy. The desired amount of oil is dripped under the tongue, allowed to soak in for 30-60 seconds and then swallowed.
The diagram below can be used to read the average guideline. Here we recommend that of any strength, start by taking 1 drop 2-4 times daily. If after 3 days you still do not notice any or not enough effect, increase the dose by 1 drop per intake time. So you then go to 2-4 times a day 2 drops at a time. Repeat every three days until you achieve the desired result.
Not quite satisfied after day 15? Then consider trying a stronger CBD variety. We have them in 5%, 10% and 20%.